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z1  d  .  large  

Memory Optimized

Additional local storage

2x CPUs


2x Intel Xeon (Skylake)


16 GiB


<=10 Gbps


EBS and 1x 75 GiB NVMe SSD

Other Devices

Family Sizes

Size CPU Memory (GiB) Network (Gbps) Storage Other Devices
z1d.large 2 16 <=10 EBS and 1x 75 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.xlarge 4 32 <=10 EBS and 1x 150 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.2xlarge 8 64 <=10 EBS and 1x 300 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.3xlarge 12 96 <=10 EBS and 1x 450 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.6xlarge 24 192 10 EBS and 1x 900 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.12xlarge 48 384 25 EBS and 2x 900 GiB NVMe SSD
z1d.metal 48 384 25 EBS and 2x 900 GiB NVMe SSD